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Designing Role Centers: Creating Action bar - Step by step tutorial - Role Centers Part 2


In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and accessibility are key factors in ensuring optimal productivity. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, is designed to streamline processes and empower users with intuitive tools. One such feature that significantly enhances user experience and efficiency is the Action Bar within the Role Center page.

The Action Bar serves as a central hub for accessing various functionalities within Business Central, including links to pages, reports, and codeunits. Whether you're managing customer relationships, processing invoices, or generating sales orders, the Action Bar provides quick and convenient access to essential tasks and operations. This blog post explores the significance of the Action Bar and how it can revolutionize the way businesses operate within the Dynamics 365 ecosystem.

Understanding the Action Bar in Dynamics 365 Business Central

In Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Role Center page features an intuitive action bar designed to streamline user workflows by organizing actions into specific categories. Each category is denoted by unique icons and settings, facilitating quick access and efficient task management. Here’s a breakdown of the action bar areas:

1. Creation Area (Area 3a)

  • Icon: Plus (+)
  • Purpose: This section is tailored for actions that involve creating new entities within the system, such as new records or documents.
  • Usage: Employ this area to enhance the visibility of creation tasks on pages that allow users to initiate new entries. This organization helps in maintaining a clean and efficient workspace, enabling users to quickly navigate and complete creation tasks without clutter.

2. Processing Area (Area 3b)

  • Icon: Forward arrow (>)
  • Purpose: Focused on processing workflows, this area contains actions related to the handling and management of documents or tasks, such as processing payments or managing sales orders.
  • Usage: Ideal for grouping actions that are part of a workflow, this section can include submenus organized by a group control. This structure supports a streamlined workflow, allowing for quick access to necessary processing tasks, which improves task completion rates and overall system usability.

3. Reporting Area (Area 3c)

  • Icon: Report (default report icon)
  • Purpose: Dedicated to reporting functions, this area is for actions that generate reports and manage report-related tasks.
  • Usage: Use this section for actions that directly relate to reporting. By centralizing report actions, users can easily access various reports from a single location, enhancing the decision-making process with timely and relevant data insights.

Enhancing User Experience

By organizing the action bar in Dynamics 365 Business Central into these distinct areas, users can enjoy a highly efficient and intuitive interface. This setup not only speeds up task completion by reducing search and navigation time but also enhances the overall user experience by simplifying the interface.

Implementing these areas in the Role Center page supports optimal user performance and ensures that the most common tasks are readily accessible, thereby improving productivity and system satisfaction.

area(Processing) { action(SeeSalesInvoices) { Caption = 'See Sales Invoices'; RunObject = Page "Posted Sales Invoices"; } } area(Creation) { action(AddSalesInvoice) { Caption = 'Add Sales Invoice'; Image = NewInvoice; RunObject = Page "Sales Invoice"; RunPageMode = Create; } } area(Reporting) { action(SalesInvoicesReport) { Caption = 'Sales Invoices Report'; Image = "Report"; RunObject = Report "Sales - Invoice"; } }

Video Tutorial

Code Reference: GitHub


The action bar in Dynamics 365 Business Central is a powerful tool that significantly enhances navigation and efficiency on the Role Center page. By understanding and utilizing these action areas—Creation, Processing, and Reporting—you can streamline your daily tasks and focus more on what matters most in your business.

If you haven't already, be sure to read Part 1 of our blog series to get a comprehensive understanding of the basics of Dynamics 365 Business Central. Also, explore more insights and in-depth strategies in our series of e-books available here.

I'm excited to continue our journey in the next part of this series where we'll dive into adding headline parts to further customize and optimize your experience. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to leave a comment below! 😊👇

Looking forward to seeing you soon in our next installment. Keep exploring, and happy navigating! 🚀📚

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