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Quiz: Choosing Classification and Clustering Models

Choosing Classification and Clustering Models
1. Which type of model should be used when you have labeled data?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Classification models are used when you have labeled data.
2. Which type of model is appropriate when you have unlabeled data and want to find natural groupings?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Clustering models are used for unlabeled data to find natural groupings.
3. What type of model should you use if you want to predict the category of a new data point?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Use classification models to predict the category of a new data point.
4. If you want to identify customer segments within your dataset, which type of model should you use?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Clustering models are used to identify customer segments within a dataset.
5. Which model should be used to predict the probability of a customer buying a product based on their features?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Classification models can predict the probability of a customer buying a product based on their features.
6. What type of model should be used to detect anomalies in network traffic data?
A) Clustering
B) Classification
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Clustering models can be used to detect anomalies in network traffic data by identifying patterns that deviate from normal behavior.
7. If you have historical sales data and want to categorize future sales into high, medium, and low, which model should you use?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Classification models are used to categorize future sales into high, medium, and low based on historical sales data.
8. Which model is used to group similar items together in an unsupervised manner?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Clustering models are used to group similar items together in an unsupervised manner.
9. What type of model would you use to assign a new incoming email to one of the predefined categories (e.g., spam, important, etc.)?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Classification models are used to assign a new incoming email to one of the predefined categories.
10. Which type of model can be used to find patterns in customer behavior for targeted marketing without using predefined labels?
A) Classification
B) Clustering
C) Regression
D) Dimensionality reduction
Explanation: Clustering models can be used to find patterns in customer behavior for targeted marketing without using predefined labels.

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